Problem Description
In order to get rid of Conan, Kaitou KID disguises himself as a teacher in the kindergarten. He knows kids love games and works out a new game called “hand in hand”.
Initially kids run on the playground randomly. When Kid says “stop”, kids catch others’ hands immediately. One hand can catch any other hand randomly. It’s weird to have more than two hands get together so one hand grabs at most one other hand. After kids stop moving they form a graph.
Everybody takes a look at the graph and repeat the above steps again to form another graph. Now Kid has a question for his kids: “Are the two graph isomorphism?”
The first line contains a single positive integer T( T D_Double同学的。
那么我们只需要用并查集把连这的都合并起来,如果发现有环,就进行标识。然后把两个图的并查集按照每颗树的节点个数大小排序,如果个数相同,那么有环的都放在前面。 然后,只要一一比较两个已排序的数组,只要发现有一个是不同的,就不是同构图。
#include #include #include #include #include #include using namespace std; const int maxN = 10001; int n, m, n2, m2; int father[maxN], PT[maxN], isCircle[maxN]; //memset(0, isCircle, sizeof(isCircle)); struct node { int num, isCircle; friend bool operator b.num; return a.isCircle>b.isCircle; } }an[maxN], bn[maxN]; int findset(int x) { if (x == father[x]) return x; return father[x] = findset(father[x]); } void Union(int x, int y) { x = findset(x); y = findset(y); if (x == y) { isCircle[x] = 1; return; } if (PT[x]>PT[y]) { father[y] = x; PT[x] += PT[y]; } else { father[x] = y; PT[y] += PT[x]; } } int main() { int t, ncase = 1; scanf("%d", &t); while (t--) { scanf("%d%d", &n, &m); memset(isCircle, 0, sizeof(isCircle)); for (int i = 1; i参考了一部分代码。心急火燎的赶去看谷歌IO了~
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