READ MORE →Using Docker Compose to Self-host Project Deploy
After three months of hard work, the SSL certificate of my RSS aggregator finally expired. The auto-renew script failed to renew it — this happened a couple of times, I need to login into the web panel and renew it manually every three months. Unfortunately, the web panel malfunctioned this time either. After an epic battle with cert-bot, Nginx, and even the web panel I used, I finally gave up and decided to switch to another self-hosting solution.
READ MORE →Use Roundcube on Lolipop.jp
Lolipop by GMO cloud is the hosting service I’m using. The hosting plan includes email hosting services, but the webmail interface is in Japanese with limited functions provided, so I installed my own Roundcube instance instead. Not like VPS, Installing a custom Webmail service needs to skim through the service provider’s documentation, undoubtedly it is all in Japanese. This takes me some time to search and validate all these endpoints. Anyway, the tutorial is as follows.
READ MORE →转换生活的 2021
2021 感觉是被按下了加速键的一年,倏乎就到了年底。我还记得 2020 年坐在 Kensington 客厅里写 2020 年总结的样子。但不得不承认,一年又这样过去了,我忘记曾经在哪里看到过一种说法,男生在 25 岁后会逐渐忘记自己的生日,没想到不仅仅是生日,整个生活都被仿佛按下了快转。
READ MORE →2022 观影记录
READ MORE →多数派的中国
READ MORE →Migrate Knowledge to MkDocs Generator
The knowledge base project has been migrated to the MkDocs project, and it works like a charm so far.
READ MORE →使用树莓派代理局域网内流量
READ MORE →厦门隔离酒店的网速介绍与升级